Speaking of Cults
A podcast about cults, coercive control and recovery. Formerly called the Sensibly Speaking podcast, in this weekly show host Chris Shelton interviews cult survivors, psychologists and other professionals and specialists about the topics of cult recruitment, retention and recovery.
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
#330: The Psychology of Coercive Control
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
This week I thought I should deliver a rundown on what exactly it was I have been studying for the last 1.5 years in the Psychology of Coercive Control program and what I got out of it as a sort of summary of the whole thing and what this means for my channel. Enjoy!
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Saturday Feb 05, 2022
#329: Cults and Emotional Needs (Part 1) ft. Rachel Bernstein
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
This week I am joined by therapist Rachel Bernstein, a long-time friend and associate who has been on the show many times and helps us this time dissect our emotional needs and how these relate to getting involved in cults and other unsavory ventures. There’s a lot packed in to this little episode. Enjoy!
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Saturday Jan 22, 2022
#328: Cults, Education and Controversy ft. Jen Kiaba
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
This week I am joined again by Jen Kiaba, a second-generation survivor of the Unification Church (the Moonies) and a fellow student on the same psychology of coercive control program I am currently finishing up. We had a great chat this week about cults, the rigors of an academic education and a lot more. Enjoy!
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Saturday Jan 15, 2022
#327: Critical Thinking and Human Predators with Jon Atack
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
This week Jon Atack and I had a critical conversation on the topics of critical thinking, what it is and isn’t and the pros and cons of thinking it’s more than it is; along with human predators, a topic both of us are keen to educate about because we feel this is the way we can help prepare anyone to avoid not just cults but all kinds of trouble in life. Enjoy!
Predator poster: https://jonatacksopeningourminds.wordpress.com/home/infographics-and-posters/
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Saturday Jan 08, 2022
#326: Thought Policing in Scientology
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
This week I did a rare live show to discuss some of the thoughts I had based in the research I’m doing for my Masters thesis about Scientology, confessionals and surveillance culture. In this show I walk through some basic Scientology principles that have a vast influence on its members and setup a mental framework of morality and control. In other words, this is how some of the brainwashing really works. Enjoy!
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Saturday Jan 01, 2022
#325: 2021 Scientology Year in Review
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
This week we are doing our annual Year in Review episode to cap off 2021 and begin 2022. It’s almost pure Scientology as we walk through the events and changes, good and bad, that took place this year and look forward to what comes next. Enjoy!
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Saturday Dec 25, 2021
#342: Scientific Literacy for the Holidays with Melissa Huff
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
This week I am joined by my beautiful wife Melissa to first share our Holiday Crack (a tasteless and yet tasteful joke inspired by Delicious Dish) and the mainline of our chat (at 6:26) about scientific literacy and our thoughts on what that has to do with our current and future situations and where we think we might improve. Happy Holidays and enjoy!
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Saturday Dec 18, 2021
#323: Walking Away from a Cult with Jen Kiaba
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
This week I welcome back cult survivor Jen Kiaba, who also happens to be doing the same Masters program I am in the psychology of coercive control. Jen and I talk about walking away from a cult and what that takes, as it’s not as easy as some seem to think. We go into what keeps people in and also I get to talk more about critical thinking. Enjoy!
The post Sensibly Speaking Podcast #323: Walking Away From a Cult appeared first on The Sensibly Speaking Podcast.
Your Host
Hello, my name is Chris Shelton and I am an author, consultant, podcaster, videographer, and former cult member. Welcome to my podcast!
Who is Chris Shelton?
Chris started a YouTube channel which has over 45,000 subscribers, produces the Sensibly Speaking podcast each week and has produced hundreds of videos laying out the scam of Scientology, educating on critical thinking and interviewing former members of Scientology and other destructive cults, as well as a range of therapists, cult exit counselors, educators and media personalities. Chris has also given talks and presentations around the United States about his experiences and has been featured on numerous podcasts and television shows. He was featured on Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath on A&E and served as a consultant to the show for its first two seasons. He has also written a critical analysis of Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard called Scientology: A to Xenu – An Insider’s Guide to What Scientology is Really All About, available on Amazon in printed form, e-book format and as an audio book.